If you wish to set up an account, please contact us.
We will guide you through the process and, once we have confirmed your account, your first order will need to be paid before dispatch of the goods.
Subsequent orders will enjoy our 30 day credit terms.
We can also offer you the option to pay for your orders automatically by Direct Debit 30 days after the invoice date.
We use an external pharmacy to administer orders placed on prescription.
To fulfill our legal and VAT obligations for Zero Rating these goods, we will require an original, valid prescription (not a copy) posted to our business address below.
Normally, we would expect to receive the original prescription before dispatch of the goods. If the goods are required urgently, we can dispatch them before receipt of the original prescription. In this case, VAT will be charged on the goods until receipt of the prescription.
If the prescription has not arrived within 5 working days of dispatch of the goods, we will be unable to remove the VAT from the goods covered by that prescription.
Orders received by Noon will be dispatched the same day.
Orders received after this time will be dispatched the following day.
Orders dispatched on a Friday will be delivered on the following Monday.
We use DHL Express to track and deliver your goods.
For the majority of addresses in the UK, we charge a flat fee of £10 plus VAT for packages up to 9kg.
For addresses in remote areas of the UK and abroad, we will send you a quote for delivery costs.
We strive to be as environment friendly as possible. Week by week, we receive multiple types of packaging and packing materials. Rather than throwing these away, we may re-use them to pack our customers orders on occasion. Although we dislike plastics, we may also re-use this type of packing material if we have received it with other deliveries. For our own packing materials, we always use cardboard boxes and bio-degrable air pockets.
2 Sherwood House, Sherwood Road, Bromsgrove B60 3DR
Tel. +44 345 50 50 601
Open today | 09:00 – 17:00 |
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Rosmetics Aesthetics Limited
2 Sherwood House, Sherwood Road, Bromsgrove B60 3DR
© Rosmetics Aesthetics Limited 2025
Company Number: 09225283